Sunday 9 August 2015

I want a lot of things in life. It's perfectly normal to dream. Dreams make us..... My cousin has been constantly asking me to get him clothes for "fancy day" for the past two months... The reason as to why I didn't really put much thought into it was because I didn't know what that was until today.. I caught him jogging after school  and on asking him why the sudden interest he said "si,kesho ni fancy day." Then it hit me,I was supposed to get him clothes for that.. Don't blame me ,we didn't have any of those fancy things in my primary school. In fact the closest we ever got to anything fancy was eating mangoes during mango season.. So yes,once again I have let someone else down but to make it up to him I promised to iron his clothes for him... I went to a boarding school that would expel you if they ever caught you with a single 50 cent coin( they were valuable back then)..  Our teachers had devoted their lives into caning us thoroughly... You'd be beaten right at the classroom door, for being a minute late for the 5am preps,that was the life then... Visiting days were the and the constipation that followed the next day was the worst, I'm even surprised that we survived..

I want a British accent, yes I know I'm silly but I really do. Not the deep one of course just something light with a little aight and mate vocabulary in there.I don't want to fake it so I'll have to stay in the UK for a while (these are just dreams).
I want to spend my Sunday morning hours in church,I really do.. I want to wear cardigans to church, wear no make-up probably throw in a little mascara and colorless lip gloss in there. I want to host brunch for my friends, feed them till they can't move from their seats. I want to get my own place and play around with neutral colors for the interior decor.I want to own a Mercedes G63 (my friend, Kinyua said they're called Gwagons),there's something about short girls in huge cars. I want to be a bachelorette for a while. I want to enjoy being single so that when I finally decide to settle down, I can do it happily and willingly. I want a walk-in closet with all the clothes that I can't  afford at the moment. I want my giving heart to still be there because I've heard that people change when they get rich. I want none of that..I want to know God so that I can remember of humility and kindness but most of all I NEED happiness. If having all of these means that I don't get to be happy then I don't want it. I want my relationship with my extended and immediate family to be better. I want to understand my sister and love her no matter what. I want to give back to the society and make my loving mother happy and proud. I want to have loyal friends because when you're older you don't really have time for drama!!! I want to get married to a gentleman that will love our kids more than anything in the world. I want us to go out for dinner once in a while as we laugh about the silly things we used to do before our kids came along. I want us to fight but never in front of our kids,because that's just wrong. I want to get along with the in-laws. We don't need to be besties or anything , a good relationship with them is all I need.
But like I said all I NEED is happiness not just for me but for us all !!!

Friday 31 July 2015


It's my friend's birthday today and I'm very excited for her, the ying to my yang!! This whole birthday thing had me thinking how pressurizing it can be! The pressure of having your life together for the new age!!! For instance, when I turned twenty last year, I made resolutions that were too much if you ask me. An example was how I was supposed to stay single. I've managed to do that but that's just bull! Think about it, what has being single got anything to do with being 20? Probably the fact that I was in my final year pursuing my degree but that's just too much...

I'll be turning 21 soon and I cannot wait to come up with weird resolutions! For instance I want to lose weight for my graduation which is set to be in October(God's willing). I know you're probably wondering why I'd wanna do that? It's not like graduating as a fatty will make me any less happy. Problem with me is that I tend to be happier when I've lost a couple of kgs, never when I've gained.. So, yes I want to lose 6kgs for that and gloat to my friends especially my aunt Sharon. She's heard so much of this that whenever I text her about it,I can feel her  roll her eyes at me. She loves me and that's  the price she pays  for doing  that. Endless rants about how my tummy is getting huge and how I reeeeaaallly want that nice pair of heels I saw in some fancy(code for over priced) store, is all she gets. Don't worry, I talk to her about cute boys as well. I can't afford to bore  her  with my insecurities lest I'll have my buddy G to rant to and that's just bad, that girl is always sleepy and never online.
To be my friend you need to have your phone fully charged,ask anyone that has had the pleasure of being my friend. They'll shake their heads and tell you of how much of a texter( if that's even a word) I am. For real, I'm always online on whatsapp because my phone is always on my hand! I'm convenient like! Sometimes I feel like it sends off a wrong message like, doesn't she have anything to do? So I try and disappear for an hour then I think to myself,this is not my thing. I'm not the" last seen 4/7/2014" kind. I'm the kind that's always online incase you want to ask me about some nice lipstick or send me a funny meme.
Which reminds me,I wasn't online for three days last week. Which had my friend G so worried that she started looking for my relatives on Facebook (she's old school like that)to ask them if I was dead and if there were plans for any burial for me. I keep telling people that I have crazier people than me in my life!

Anyway, happy birthday my love. You will not see this because you have no clue that I blog. However, I'll share the link hoping that you'll read it.
We've been friends for three  amazing years .I'll try and not make this creepy like I'm trying to hit on you or something..
Better yet let me not make this any weird at all. I mean, I don't need to write a poem to prove my love to you. My endless texts (that never get any replies)to you are justifiable enough. Also the fact that I'm willing to give you one of my kidneys in case yours don't function properly should say a lot. If I keep this up I'll lack words to say so I'll leave it at that..

Call me Mwikali

Friday 26 June 2015

I'm Back!!!!!

Before I published this post, I ran it by my aunt Sharon who said that it was okey but would be better if I included photos... I totally agree with her. Photos make everything magical, but not photos for this post!! So, no way aunty I'm not about to do that just yet!! I'm not trying to scare away readers here because those photos have nothing magical written on them ...Hehehe
Anyway, let me let you in on the septum piercing life... The entire experience was painful.Try picturing a tiny screw driver (what is used to get the job done is similar to it)drilling through your septum!!
If you're lucky enough to get pierced by Johny(great at this kinda stuff), he'll hit you with the facts! This guy knows no sugarcoating...He won't lie to you, infact he'll tell you that it hurts which is great for he prepares you for the pain. If you're a big baby like I am, you will cry, maybe scream which might scare the customers waiting to be attended to, but let that not worry you for  they'll realise that they've come for something less painful.  Because it's your first time, you'll want it let out (the ring)for the world to see that you're a  "cool kid"!!! Smh!!! But nobody tells you that you'll start getting the attention you never had before.Then you'll begin to think of how smashing hot you must be,  but that's not it,people are actually amused by the fact that you chose to get pierced like a cow!! People will stop you to ask" Madam, why did you opt for that? Why not simply get the  normal kind of piercing?" And because you're in a great mood you'll giggle and say, " Because I'm different." Wait till they get you on your worst days, you'll roll your eyes so much they'll begin to ache!! That's not even the worst part, you'll be called a thief!! Yes a thief just because you have an out of the ordinary piercing.I was surprised as well!!! Honestly,if I knew that thieves were recognized by a simple piercing I'd have opted for a tattoo of a gun on my forehead!!  Try and not be mad because civilisation isn't for everyone...
Three months later, you'll have fallen inlove with your piercing!!Nothing will break you at this point!! Not even that guy with red eyes and creamy yellow teeth that calls you a terrorist (I've not been called that yet but at this rate, nothing can surprise me).
So always do you!! Get a piercing right through your eyeballs if you have to and smile to those strangers that know nothing about  how much you really treasure that piercing....
Call me Mwikali.